Mind, Yourself

The Power of Slowing Down

“I have got to do something.” “I have got to get out of here.” As I have begun paying attention, I’ve begun noticing how bossy emotions can be at times. This is where the power of slowing down has been one of my newer tools.

When I notice thoughts coming too fast to process, I try to pause, breath, then slow down. It is counterintuitive, but powerful. I find slowing down in these times, actually often leads to more, not less, productivity.

A few questions I find that are helpful:

  1. Is my body tense?
  2. Am I being invited into this, or do I feel rushed or pushed?
  3. Am I here now, or have I, mentally, moved ahead of myself?

Next time you find yourself pressing through, I invite you to pause, relax your body and slow down. I think you’ll find you get just as much done, but with much more peace.