One warning sign I have begun to tune into is a feeling exhaustion. There are a number of things that can lead to this exhaustion. Such things as doing more physical work than usual, are easy to understand. The mental or emotional exhaustion is harder to discern. In today’s post I want to talk about noticing when you are caring something that is not yours to carry.
One particular scripture strikes me as speaking directly to this type of feeling.
What God Says
“Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
Matthew 11:28-29
How Things Get Added to Our Load
Despite the invitation Jesus offers us, our lives offer many opportunities to add to our load.
Last night I had a conversation with my husband about a medical concern. It was the sort of thing that had no right answer. The kind of thing about which neither of us had much control at all. We had very different responses. He just wanted to let it be. I wanted to do something. Again, this was not about what was right or wrong, it was just different responses due to a number of factors. This conversation came after a long day at work for each of us.
My day included a tough conversation with a former coworker who’s grandson had just been born extremely prematurely. As I spoke with this former coworker, my heart ached as I could certainly imagine how hard his situation was. I told him I would be praying for him, his grandson and his family. While I did follow through with that praying, I also carried the sadness and fear.
At the end of my work day, I was told that a colleague had been approved for long term disability. This put a sudden end to a 20 plus year career. My heart ached for her. I had a conversation with her a couple of months prior where she implored me to see that she was capable of doing the work. More praying, but no releasing.
As I worked that day, I contemplated concerns I had for our home, for our children, for their work, for relationships. All of these increased the load both mentally and emotionally. Scripture tells us what to do with our cares.
What to Do
casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7
Last night as I took my walk, I told God, “I’m tired.” This is when he showed me, I was tired because I was caring somethings that were not mine to carry. Can you relate?
I’m learning I cannot feel other people’s feelings for them. It can be kind to empathize with another person, and even as you hear things imagine what it must be like for them. But truly you cannot feel their feelings for them and therefore you being distraught about a situation, does nothing to relieve their pain. Being present to listen well to them can help them feel seen and heard and that matters.
May I encourage each of us to notice when things get too heavy. When they do, may we release what is not ours to carry to God. May we go to Jesus and receive rest.