Body, Resources

Body Resources

This page will be a compilation of various resources I have come across which I feel are very helpful to our physical bodies.

Chair Yoga (Christ Centered)

This particular video is one I have shared with my dad, who just turned 80 this year. My dad used to do yoga at a local Y as part of their Senior Sneakers program, he really enjoyed it. However due to schedule changes, this is no longer an option for him. He is not at all technical, he does not have a cell phone – smart or otherwise, he does not use a computer. So I’ve found that I can bring my iPad over to his house and we can do short videos like these together. He really seems to enjoy them and I do as well.

Adrenaline Rushes and/or Hot Flashes —

From time to time I have experienced adrenaline rushes and/or hot flashes. In other words, for me, this means that there are times that seemingly out of nowhere I get this surge of “urgency”. That is how I describe it when it feels like I kind of just need to get out of where ever I am. Here are a few things I tend to do which I’ve found helpful.

  • Get up and walk, even if it is just pacing. This allows the adrenaline kind of outlet.
  • Deep breathing. If you’re like me, you find specifics helpful. Specifically I’ve done metered breathing like this — inhale deeply to the count of 4, and exhale to the count of 4. I also heard a 4-7 breath as being quite helpful. So that looks like inhale deeply to the count of 4, pause, exhale to the count of 7. Here is what an expert has to say, “Some women find deep-breathing exercises helpful. Research suggests that a technique called paced respiration can cut in half the frequency of hot flashes. To perform paced respiration, take slow, deep, full breaths — expanding and contracting the abdomen gently while inhaling and exhaling — at a rate of about six to eight breaths per minute. One of the best ways to learn paced respiration is by taking a yoga class. Practice this technique twice a day for 15 minutes. You can also use paced respiration whenever you feel a hot flash coming on. Stress-relief techniques and biofeedback may also be of some benefit.” Source: