Jesus, Yourself

The Gift of Rest

How many times have we read some verses and not really known what they are saying. This verse is like that for me:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest … “. Matthew 11:28a

Did you see it? Rest in this verse is a gift. A gift that Jesus longs to give us. I don’t know about you but rest for me can sometimes feel like something that is illusive. Sometimes, I get myself so tired that I literally think I’m going to collapse from exhaustion, only to find that I “cannot” fall asleep. Aren’t these times just so frustrating? I describe this as a battle between my mind and my body. My mind is on overdrive, but my body is spent.

At times if these nights go on too long, or I have too many in a row, I can find that I literally start seeking rest or sleep or both. This is where this verse is so applicable. Rather than seeking the rest or the sleep, the invitation here is to seek Jesus and the rest will be given.

Ok, so that all sounds good in theory but because Jesus is invisible and we are so tired, sometimes I find that I just need someone to boil it down to what does that look like practically speaking. So here is what I am learning about “coming to Jesus” – it is not as difficult as I make it. I am learning a really practical way I can turn to Him (since He never left) is to simple stop (pause) and take a deep breath. In that breath I say His name (Jesus) and in the exhale I say “You are here.” I say these words silently. I usually say them multiple times as I breath slowly. I actually just learned recently, there is a term for this practice I’ve been doing. Some call these types of prayers, breath prayers. Who knew? Well apparently many people. But if you, like me, had not, I’m sharing with you. I’ve found these types of simple acknowledging prayers help me to return to the reality that Jesus is here and that I am safe with Him. And I receive rest.

I pray you will as well!