Jesus, Spirit, Yourself

Hope, Peace, Joy

God has brought this verse, Romans 15:13 in several ways over the last couple of months. The non-personalized version reads,

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

At times God prompts me to personalize verses. Too often when I read “you” it is processed by me as “you” as in everyone else. But when I read it with “I” or “me” it helps me to realize in a deeper way how the verse applies to me! If this is helpful to you, I encourage you to adopt this as well.

Now – timing matters

I love so much that this verse begins with “Now.” Faith is always in the now. In the verse that provide what faith is, also begins with “Now”, “Now faith is…” and in the Romans 15:13 verse the timing is now (perpetually) for us to have hope, peace and joy by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Fill – the opposite of empty

I know many are feeling empty right now. This scripture prayer asks God to fill us with all joy and peace in believing.


What a wonderful word to precede “hope” with. “Abound in hope.”


The ending of this verse let’s us know how it will be done, “by the Holy Spirit.” This not about a pep talk or self-will. It is a work of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, Mind, Spirit, Yourself

God Affirmations

This morning I did a search on Biblical Affirmations. Let’s face it, we all have times where we are struggling more than others. I have found that stating and re-stating truths is one of my greatest weapons on those rough days.

I found this resource – it is a little over an hour. It is this really cool combination of “I AM” statements followed by reading of scriptures that support those affirmations. Apparently this ministry has many such videos – consider checking them out. I pray that this resource will help you in a time you might be struggling or just bless you in a time when you are at rest.

Jesus, Mental Health, Spirit, Yourself

Being Seen

I listened to a podcast called Things Above, which is based on Colossians 3:2 “Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on earth.” In this episode, the host, James Bryan Smith, talks to Michael John Cusick. He is a Christian Counselor who runs a ministry that does intensive counselling in Colorado. His ministry is called Restoring the Soul. I want to share some of my notes from this podcast in the hopes that it will be helpful for others.

The scripture he began speaking about was Proverbs 20:5 “The purposes of ones heart are deep waters, but a person of understanding draws them out.”

He related this to all the ways we mishandle our pain. Wow, did that resonate with me! In other words, often we can deceive even our own selves about why we are doing the things we are doing.

He shared about 5 “W’s” – Wickedness, Weakness, Woundedness, Warfare, and Wiring. Many people focus on the first W – through sin-management. Addressing the other 4 Ws often take care of the sin, without making it the focus.

Shame breads disconnection.

He shares that our deepest calling is to live in place where our soul is Seen, Soothed, Safe, and Secure. Our brain and nervous system is designed to be interpersonal. He goes on to explain how our “fig leaves” (referring to how Adam/Eve tried to hide their sin) do not cover as much as we think. He describes how when God sees us at our worst, He greets us with “well, of course.” Simply because we are so well known.

He talks about these needs for being seen, soothed, safe and secure are needs our entire life. When we don’t get these met, we tend to either try to play big or play small. When we don’t sense that anyone is coming for us, we find substitutes. He encourages us to take time to receive the gaze of God in our life to heal areas where we have not felt seen, soothed, safe or secure. Wow, again. How often have I tried not to “need” anything. Or respond with things like “I’m fine.” When I refuse to receive, I am refusing to be seen and soothed.

So this week I want to encourage you to allow yourself to be seen, soothed, safe and secure by receiving was is needed from God.

Jesus, Yourself

How God Leads

The Way God Leads“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”  Psalm 32:8

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I really struggle with knowing what I should do.  I can be guilty of analysis paralysis. 

“In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:6

Let’s get practical with how to apply this verse.  As we go about our days, we need to make a routine of pausing to acknowledge God. Dallas Willard suggests beginning each day with this phrase, “God is here.”  I find that simple phrase so powerful.   

I’ll be the first to admit, at times, I have felt lost; felt like my prayers asking God for direction went unanswered. As a matter of fact, right this moment, one area of my life comes to mind that I have been seeking God for direction in for quite some time and I’m still not clear on what my next right step is. So I am coming to you as by far not an expert. However, I know God’s Word is true and I love knowing and reminding myself of His promises along these lines.

Here are more verses where He promises to lead us.

Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel, “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, Who leads you in the way you should go. Isaiah 48:17

Isn’t that verse such a reassurance! I know for me, even with the current situation in mind, I can look back on my life and acknowledge that God has been leading in ways that I didn’t necessarily notice at the time. There were times when I noticed I was at a crossroads and needed to make a decision, but there have been many other times when I didn’t even know the choice I was about to make was going to be significant in my journey. That’s why it is so wonderful to know that my Redeemer is the very one who is leading me. On the other hand, there have been times when I have known of my need for wisdom and I have called out to God asking for insight.

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and [a]without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. James 1:5-6

Another way I have known God to provide me with insight is directly through His word.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Psalm 119:105

This next verse is one that I have clung to since my teenage years, which is when I first learned of it, I believe. Did you realize one of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to lead us into all Truth. Sometimes I pray, Lord, guide me into what is true here.

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. John 16:13

Sometimes His leading is something we consciously pray for, and that is good. However, other times it starts with us simply committing what we are doing to Him. Have you stopped to consider that? We really all serving someone each day. That someone can be the Lord, it can be ourselves, it can be others, as in people-pleasing, or it can be a number of other things. I encourage you to begin your day by simply saying, God, I commit this day (this work, this trip, etc) to you.

Commit your way to the Lord, Trust also in Him, and He will do it. Psalm 37:5

Commit your works to the Lord And your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

There are things we do not know. It may seem obvious, but it is just a fact of life. However, we do have access to an all-knowing God. Jeremiah has a wonderful exhortation for us to call out to God and He will answer. He’s going to show us things we do not know. That has to be one of the things I’ve actually struggled with at times. Simply the fact that He shows me something I did not expect or that was not on my radar screen so to speak. This should not surprise me, but somehow sometimes it still does. So may I encourage you when you see something that is unexpected, don’t always quickly dismiss it. Take it before the Lord, and ask Him if it is something He is showing.

‘Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ Jeremiah 33:3

The last scripture I’m going to share is also such a reassuring one for me and it speaks to relationship. After all, if we are looking for guidance, don’t we want to be reassured that we are known by the one doing the guiding!

My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me; and I give eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch them out of My hand. John 10:27-28


Getting Practical – Focus and Overwhelm

This morning has been one of those times when I am feeling scattered. Perhaps you know the feeling – where twenty thoughts seem to vi for your attention and yet nothing really seems to stick.

For me this looked like – I need to take a walk, no I should listen to this podcast, well I could listen to the podcast while I walk, wait did I update that spreadsheet, oh what about that book I was going to see if the library had and on and on it can go.

In times like these I can get very frustrated with myself. So if you are feeling something like this as well, I thought it might be helpful to get really practical. I watched a short youtube video by Tim Ferriss where he spoke about this very thing. In it he shared a very short checklist of things he asks in these times.

Am I eating enough? Tim is very health-conscious, much more so than I am, but I do think the point can be valid. Sometimes our lack of focus and/or overwhelm can be a simple physical need. As he said, we may just need to eat some nuts.

Am I consuming too much caffeine? Again see note about Tim’s focus on health. I am not a coffee drinker, so this is not necessarily my likely cause, but it could be my consumption of sugar etc.

Reflective Questions – he went on to share a few really easy reflective questions that he asks himself and answers – always on paper. He feels writing them out is especially helpful.

80/20 Analysis – What are the 20% of activities or people that are producing 80% of the positive feelings for me? And what about the negative?

What would this look like if it were easy?

He shared that sometimes the reflective questions, just allow him to process and let go. Other times they actually spark a change he wants to implement.

I hope that this serves as practical help for others who may be wondering how to process through feelings of lack of focus and overwhelm.

Jesus, Yourself

The Gift of Rest

How many times have we read some verses and not really known what they are saying. This verse is like that for me:

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest … “. Matthew 11:28a

Did you see it? Rest in this verse is a gift. A gift that Jesus longs to give us. I don’t know about you but rest for me can sometimes feel like something that is illusive. Sometimes, I get myself so tired that I literally think I’m going to collapse from exhaustion, only to find that I “cannot” fall asleep. Aren’t these times just so frustrating? I describe this as a battle between my mind and my body. My mind is on overdrive, but my body is spent.

At times if these nights go on too long, or I have too many in a row, I can find that I literally start seeking rest or sleep or both. This is where this verse is so applicable. Rather than seeking the rest or the sleep, the invitation here is to seek Jesus and the rest will be given.

Ok, so that all sounds good in theory but because Jesus is invisible and we are so tired, sometimes I find that I just need someone to boil it down to what does that look like practically speaking. So here is what I am learning about “coming to Jesus” – it is not as difficult as I make it. I am learning a really practical way I can turn to Him (since He never left) is to simple stop (pause) and take a deep breath. In that breath I say His name (Jesus) and in the exhale I say “You are here.” I say these words silently. I usually say them multiple times as I breath slowly. I actually just learned recently, there is a term for this practice I’ve been doing. Some call these types of prayers, breath prayers. Who knew? Well apparently many people. But if you, like me, had not, I’m sharing with you. I’ve found these types of simple acknowledging prayers help me to return to the reality that Jesus is here and that I am safe with Him. And I receive rest.

I pray you will as well!

Others, Yourself

Who Should We Be Listening To? / Questions God Asks?

“Who told you …?”

Would it surprise you that this is a question that God asked Adam. Well to be more correct, it is part of a question that God asked Adam. The full question was “Who told you that you were naked?” Genesis 3:11. The context was that Adam and Eve had done what God had commanded them not to do. As a result Adam and Eve were hiding. In the course of the discussion, Adam said he was ashamed because he was naked. This is when God asked the question. This is a question that I used to just brush right by. But as I have grown, it is a question I hear God ask me so often … Who told you … you were not enough? Who told you … you couldn’t do this? Who told you … this is just how it is? You get the idea.

So who should we, as Christians, be listening to? I know it can be easy to answer this with “God” or “Jesus”, and yes that is true. But really what does this look like. How do we walk this out? How important is it anyway?

Today I read a familiar passage …

How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, Nor stand in the path of sinners, Nor sit in the seat of scoffers! But his delight is in the law of the Lord, And in His law he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither;
And in whatever he does, he prospers.
Psalm 1:1-3

This verse begins with this very topic – do you see it? “How blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked …” This is basically saying that it matters whose voice we give weight to!

For me, lately a way that I am working to practice this scripture is to not allow fault finders, complainers, unkind people etc to be the ones that I cower to or strive to impress. Think about it, how many times do you hear something good or neutral and just minimize it and move on, but when you hear something negative it hits like an arrow stabbing you in the heart. I want to caution you and me to be careful whose counsel we are sitting under in these situation.

I read a meme the other day that sums it up this way…

“Don’t take criticism from someone you would not go to for advice.”

I am not saying to only surround yourself with “yes men” / people who tell you what you want to hear. But I am telling you that sometimes asking ourselves “Who told you …?” is a good and healthy thing.

So what should we spend our time thinking about/listening to?

The verse addresses this as well … “And in His laws (God’s Word) he meditates day and night.” For me in practice this has meant that I have recently made it a daily (actually multiple times per day) practice that I stop (pause) and just be still and know that He is God. In those moments sometimes I just meditate (repeat over and over internally) on what God says over me. I’ll say (internally) things like God, You say that I am Your masterpiece; God, You say I can do all things. God, You say that You have chosen me.

So I want to encourage you to ask yourself “Who told me …” when you are struggling and if God did not say it, replace it with what He did say.


New Beginnings Are Not Just for January 1st

New Beginnings Are Not Just for January 1st

Each year at the end of one year, we get the message that somehow January 1st is going to hold the magic key to a new beginning.

While I absolutely embrace the idea that each day we should start with intention. Each day we can view as a time that we might choose to take on larger or longer term goals. I reject the tone that seems to come across with these new year’s = new start messages. The tone I have sensed all too often is one that basically encourages us to make a list of all the areas we are falling short in and set new goals to “be different.” The implied message is that you are not good as you are.

So, while I do encourage us to all be willing to embrace new beginnings, I want to do so with two important differences.

  1. Desire for change does not have to mean we reject ourselves.
  2. Change can happen or start anytime, not just January 1st, so don’t put artificial pressure on yourself to fit this timetable.

Desire for change does not have to mean we reject ourselves.

Since you are reading this post, I imagine there is an area of your life that you would like to see some changes in. It might be in your marriage, in other relationships, in your devotion to Christ, in your weight, or even in the way you organize your pantry. I’ll say again desire for change does not have to mean we reject ourselves. It is even ok to realize the change is based on some thing or things that are not working for you, again without rejecting ourselves. I know this may seem nuanced and to a certain extent it is. But I think it is an important distinction. That is to realize that we are not bad, simply because we are doing some things that are not working. Did you catch that, I am basically encouraging you to separate your who from your do to a certain extent.

May I make a suggestion? Well since this is my post, I’m going to go ahead and do so. What if you looked at a desired change from the perspective that the mere fact that you want the change illustrates you are for yourself, not against yourself? What if you said I’m going to choose different ways of eating because I love myself that much, instead of I need to eat differently because I’m fat? Doesn’t the feel different?

This is something I am just now learning and exploring and trying to put into practice. It is part of how I am trying to be more present to myself.

Change can happen or start anytime, not just January 1st, so don’t put artificial pressure on yourself to fit this timetable.

Now I’d like to transition into the discussion of timing of changes. I see far too often where I and others put off a change they are prompted to make simply because it is not January 1st, or Monday or whatever. I also see pressure to come up with changes and start them on January 1st. But what if you hear about something on a random Tuesday in October that just lights your heart up – are you supposed to wait. I far too often go into analysis paralysis in these times. I want to encourage us to be more flexible in our timings. I also want us to feel free to skip the pressure to come up with something for January 1st. It’s a day, just as good as any. If you are feeling prompted to make a change then, great. If you are not, I am giving you permission not to take the bait, there is no need to manufacture the change.