Jesus, Spirit, Yourself

Hope, Peace, Joy

God has brought this verse, Romans 15:13 in several ways over the last couple of months. The non-personalized version reads,

Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

At times God prompts me to personalize verses. Too often when I read “you” it is processed by me as “you” as in everyone else. But when I read it with “I” or “me” it helps me to realize in a deeper way how the verse applies to me! If this is helpful to you, I encourage you to adopt this as well.

Now – timing matters

I love so much that this verse begins with “Now.” Faith is always in the now. In the verse that provide what faith is, also begins with “Now”, “Now faith is…” and in the Romans 15:13 verse the timing is now (perpetually) for us to have hope, peace and joy by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Fill – the opposite of empty

I know many are feeling empty right now. This scripture prayer asks God to fill us with all joy and peace in believing.


What a wonderful word to precede “hope” with. “Abound in hope.”


The ending of this verse let’s us know how it will be done, “by the Holy Spirit.” This not about a pep talk or self-will. It is a work of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus, Mind, Spirit, Yourself

God Affirmations

This morning I did a search on Biblical Affirmations. Let’s face it, we all have times where we are struggling more than others. I have found that stating and re-stating truths is one of my greatest weapons on those rough days.

I found this resource – it is a little over an hour. It is this really cool combination of “I AM” statements followed by reading of scriptures that support those affirmations. Apparently this ministry has many such videos – consider checking them out. I pray that this resource will help you in a time you might be struggling or just bless you in a time when you are at rest.

Jesus, Mental Health, Spirit, Yourself

Being Seen

I listened to a podcast called Things Above, which is based on Colossians 3:2 “Set your mind on things above, not on things that are on earth.” In this episode, the host, James Bryan Smith, talks to Michael John Cusick. He is a Christian Counselor who runs a ministry that does intensive counselling in Colorado. His ministry is called Restoring the Soul. I want to share some of my notes from this podcast in the hopes that it will be helpful for others.

The scripture he began speaking about was Proverbs 20:5 “The purposes of ones heart are deep waters, but a person of understanding draws them out.”

He related this to all the ways we mishandle our pain. Wow, did that resonate with me! In other words, often we can deceive even our own selves about why we are doing the things we are doing.

He shared about 5 “W’s” – Wickedness, Weakness, Woundedness, Warfare, and Wiring. Many people focus on the first W – through sin-management. Addressing the other 4 Ws often take care of the sin, without making it the focus.

Shame breads disconnection.

He shares that our deepest calling is to live in place where our soul is Seen, Soothed, Safe, and Secure. Our brain and nervous system is designed to be interpersonal. He goes on to explain how our “fig leaves” (referring to how Adam/Eve tried to hide their sin) do not cover as much as we think. He describes how when God sees us at our worst, He greets us with “well, of course.” Simply because we are so well known.

He talks about these needs for being seen, soothed, safe and secure are needs our entire life. When we don’t get these met, we tend to either try to play big or play small. When we don’t sense that anyone is coming for us, we find substitutes. He encourages us to take time to receive the gaze of God in our life to heal areas where we have not felt seen, soothed, safe or secure. Wow, again. How often have I tried not to “need” anything. Or respond with things like “I’m fine.” When I refuse to receive, I am refusing to be seen and soothed.

So this week I want to encourage you to allow yourself to be seen, soothed, safe and secure by receiving was is needed from God.